Friday, December 23, 2011

Simple yet Memorable


Its my birthday today!yeay!..happy birthday to me..happy birthday to me..happy birthday to myself..happy birthday to me...lalalalala~..haha..actually its not only my birthday,its kak maria,adibah,dewi,nazri and abg hariszam..i'm sharing the day with 5 of them..klau dpat gather all of them in one place mesti we had a lot of fun kan..nothing is impossible,maybe one day insyaAllah,think positive...hehehe..this year i'm celebrating my bday away from family and friends..normally klau dgn friends at least we will meet up at angsana(mmg xde tmpat lain lgi lah kan..hehe) and yana ofcourse nak g kareoke or will just main bowling...and dgn family kak maria will come to JB and we'll by cake and put everyone's name that born in december,kira mcm closing bday celebration for the year lah..haha..then papa will masak something special..mmm yummy!yummy!..we'll had ice cream and chocolates and klau ada kak maria ofcourse lah stay up until late at night kan..hehe...

but this year a bit family and friends in father still in yemen but in sana' tinggal the 3 of us je lah at home,me,aisyah and mami...BUT we still had fun..i woke up in the morning tgk dah tinggal sorg2..mami dah kat dapur,aisyah dpan my laptop..its friday thats why i woke up lmbt skit..lmbat2 pun bru pkul 8am...papa did call after subuh and sing a bday song on the phone sambil shivering because at sana'a its so cold..its 4 celcius and papa did not bring his jacket cause he did not aspect to stay for 3 nights at sana'a...after we had breakfast layan kejap FB wishes from family,friends,teachers,buddies..thanks everyone,thanks for the dua and wishes..may Allah kabulkan all of your dua's..amiin...

after that i started to bake my birthday cake...this time i followed aunty faridah's recipe..the first time i ate her brownies its so delicious,moist and i asked her for the recipe...actually lebih kurang je dengan aunty shan punya recipe tapi maybe the way she baked it make it this is what i got for my cake :

its hangus!its burn!gosong!mahruq!...atas dia je hangus bcause the oven its too hot i think,actually its not a baking oven pun actually so maybe temperature dia lain...when we cut dalam dia is so soft and soft lah...sedap tpi blum msak i we put back in the oven and betul2 jaga..alhamdulillah jadi tapi bwah dia je mcm melekat skit...nevermind kita2 je kot yg mkan..hehe..lunch we had nasi goreng,then mandi siap2 nak pergi dar zahra plak..rabia and kak asma ajak g and aisyah went there and i am so malu sbb ye lah dah lah ari ni tak skola then tak psal2 dtg skola buat apa kan?...nasib baik most of the students kluar...then rabia ajak g klas asas thani and ta daa! there's another cake for me...wah mne dorg buat cake ni pun i tak tau..siap dgn 4 boxes of drinks and 2 can drink..susah2 je korg..thanks so much!..i really appreciate it..cake dia green plak tu..hehe..we had laughter and jokes about an hour then i had to go back before maghrib..kak zainab pun join skali..nasib lah ada dia yg handle cake tu..hehe..trima kasih ya kak...kak fatimah al-hadad plak kasi air and chocolates..thanks so much jgak..kat sini xde lah nk kasi2 hadiah kot sbab mne ade kdai cenderamata yg brdekatan,kat suq ada lah tapi mana dorg bleh kluar..dpat mkan2 pun i felt very happy too...:)

the cake is green colour!! :)
my birthday present...biscolata break,strawberry milk and galaxy from kak fatimah al-haddad
mix fruit juice from kak asma..biscolata starz from aisyah and snickers is actually not my bday present but its from papa dah berapa hari tapi still belum makan..:)

after that for dinner we had burger,fries and sausage..papa dah belikan awal2 for my bday before he went bday i baked my own cake and also i msak the burger..its fun actually u are preparing food for your own bday...hehe...alhamdulillah eventhough tak ada kfc ke,mcd ke,lasagne ke tpi i'm happy cream ada tpi its cold mlm2 ni tak kan nak mkan ice cream plak kot?chocolate pun ada tpi smua dah kenyang so we save it for the next day...everyone dah penat,mami and aisyah dah tido i'm the only one sorg2 tgh hadap laptop update blog ni...

Alhamdulillah walaupun my family and friends are far away from me but Allah replace it with another person to be with to cheer up every each of our day...this year i did not get to celebrate it with my family but Allah still make my day happy and Allah give me another friend to be with on my those that wish me thank you so much..i appreciate it..

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Ikhtibar Juz Thani


Next exam is coming up 2 weeks more…al-quran is on the 17 and 18 Muharram,Lughah 22 Muharram…al-quran lagi 3 surah kena kena revise balik from awal,I’rab kena mantap kan lagi..hopefully I can do it better this time..ikhtibar juz awal al-quran dapat 14 ½ Alhamdulillah 100%..feqh 29/30..satu je salah..hehe..this time no more cuai insyaAllah…makin hari nadiah makin rajin :-p(puji diri sendiri)..hahahah..sapu rumah,tolong papa masak…and tak nak tido2 siang hari..insyaAllah nak revise bljar btul2..mlam tadi black out about dekat an hour jugak..tgh cari download link for cerita Di Bawah Lindungan Ka’abah tapi still tak jumpa,nanti nak download cerita Khalifah je lah..nak tgk survivor pn tak boleh.yaman block smua website..even on youtube..haish…that’s all…now makin hari makin sejuk..experienting winter for the first time…

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dar Al-Zahra to Dar Al-Mustofa


I love the weather today…it is so cold,the weather really different today..maybe sekarang baru betul2 dah masuk winter..pagi2 time nak pergi sekolah still kabus,even time balik pun tak hilang lagi..kabus tak nampak the mountain pun..macam ni keadaan waktu pagi tadi..

it was 16 celcius.. brrr..sooo cold..

Balik sekolah cut 8 biji of potatoes untuk make French fries..kat sini kita makan home made French fries je..hehe..then lepas tu asar pergi DZ sebab nak ikut budak2 ni semua pergi DM...DM punya masjid MasyaAllah besar,double the size of DZ punya musolla and ofcourse lah their place much much bigger..masa kita smpai tu rmai lagi budak2 yg blum smpai..then dorg solat asar,baca aurad,selawat and ada sikit tazkirah from Hubabah..15 minutes before maghrib gitu dah hbis…after maghrib rmai budak2 yg naik roof top DM so kitorg pun join skali lah…angin malam sangat2 lah sejuk,natural air cond…smpai my hand mcm nak kaku and start selsema…we had fun kat atas smbil snap snap pictures.. J

with some of my westerners friend and 2 of them just came back from Hajj.

we were soo excited because it was soo cold then nak take pictures tapi tak ada yg bwak,i left mine at JB :( mami punya phone jadi mangsa..hehehe

with Asma Adam..malay Thailand..dia pernah ajar kitorg the alphabet of thailand language tapi so pening,banyak sangat yg sama..

Semua ni my classmate from Thailand..Left-kak Laila..Asma Adam and Rafiah...Rafiah yg slalu hidupkan suasana dlam kelas..

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Muharram 1433 H and DM opening day


Alhamdulillah Allah masih beri kita kesempatan untuk mengubah diri kita kearah yang lebih baik…and this year nadiah menyambutnya di Yemen..MasyaAllah sambutan yang very simple tapi beribu-ribu orang datang…Yesterday was at Dar Al-zahra from zohor until isya’..Dar Al-Mustofa and Dar Al-Zahra boleh dipanggil sebagai nadi Tarim…apa2 majlis insyaAllah akan di adakn kat tempat ni..the time we sampai orang masih tak banyak…musolla still nampak kosong..duduk dalam musolla ada yang tengah zikir,selawat,baca al-Quran…after that solat Zohor berjemaah..while tengah solat tu dengar the mens tengah berarak from masjid Raudhah sampai Dar Al-Mustofa sambil berkompang and selawat…after solat zohor we naik musolla atas they show about Dar Al- Mustofa,Habib Muhammad,Habib Omar and others habaib…

Dar Al-Mustofa was opened on 29 Zulkaedah 1414H it’s the same day when Habib Omar’s fathers missing/kidnapped by the komunis ke apa..that was when Habib Omar was about 9 years old..until now dorang tak jumpa dia..somebody says that he dah meninggal and buried behind Habib Omar house because ada yang nampak ada cahaya kat situ,tapi Allahualam I don’t know…after that ghada’ (lunch) and asar prayer,from asar until isya’ dalam musolla,before solat asar ada dengar ceramah from Habib Ali Masyhur,Habib Omar’s brother…nak dekat 4pm baru solat then zikir2 lead by Hubabah Nor and baca doa akhir tahun..after that solat maghrib and dengar la ceramah lagi..Dar Al-Mustofa ada their own radio station live so bila ada ceramah or normally every malam jumaat ada maulid just ikut them…solat isya’ and back to home…